Words of Praise

When was the last time someone gave you a heartfelt thanks for something that you accomplished? Did it warm your heart to be acknowledged? Did it make you feel appreciated?
For those of you who couldn’t think of a time (how awful), wouldn’t it be nice if someone DID give you a big thank you for job well done?
Many of us in our busy days forget to let others know that we appreciated their work, help, good deeds, etc. We need to look for opportunities to say “thank you very much”, even for little things, including small improvements, completion of tasks, making a great meal, doing a good job on an assigned task, etc.
Compliments and acknowledgements go a long way in building happy relationships with staff, patients or clients, friends, bosses and co-workers.
Sending a thank you card from the practice to a patient or clients who referred a new patient to you is always well received at the other end. You acknowledged their help to their referred friend and also to your practice.
Give it a try and make praise a habit!
Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Janice Wheeler and a clickable link back to this page.
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