Goal Setting

What goals do you have? Perhaps you want a bigger practice, a happier team, higher quality service to the patients or clients, more net income? Maybe you wish to lose weight (or gain, for the lucky people), create financial independence, build a successful marriage, or raise productive, happy kids. A goal is a goal and how you go about reaching each one is pretty much the same.
1. Pick a goal. Write down a list of goals and then pick the one you TRULY want to fulfill. It must be one that you HONESTLY and PASSIONATELY want to achieve or you won’t put behind it the strong drive needed to actually get it done.
2. Plan it out. Now you need to take some time with your computer or a piece of paper and write down all the steps and actions that need to occur to get this done. Put actions in sequence and then check over the list and see if there are any missing steps.
3. Set time lines. When do you want the overall project or goal to be achieved? Now work backwards as to when certain steps in the plan need to be accomplished and write those down too. GET STARTED.
4. Use your resources. Sometimes you may need advice or information as to how to do certain of the steps, so don’t be shy in asking for help.
5. Refuse to allow excuses. This is YOUR goal so do not let anything stop you or slow you down. You have to push yourself and keep STRONG.
Have fun and hope you reach your goal.
Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Janice Wheeler and a clickable link back to this page.
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