Are You Purpose Driven?

In what direction are you expending or focusing your energy? Do you use it arguing? Surfing the internet? Watching television?
Or do you spending your energy getting your short and long term goals in life met?
For example, if you spend your energy on parties and sports, you end with memories of parties or sporting events. If you work hardest at ruining your enemies, you end with enemies who are ruined. If you spend your energy worrying about being poor, you end up with more worry and less money.
If, however, you spend that same energy doing something that makes you money, you end up with more money. If you spend your time finding a spouse, you get a spouse. If you spend your energy learning new skills, you will have the result of having new skills.
1. Write down three things you want. Do you want a successful practice? Love? A healthier body? More intelligence? Happiness?
2. Devote your energy to those things. Work hardest on those purposes and devote yourself to getting these three things.
3. Don’t be too surprised when you get them?
Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Janice Wheeler and a clickable link back to this page.
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